Contact me at wristaction@speedeej.com
Hello friend, welcome! My name is Paul Marelic. I am a solo creator living in Sydney Australia and this website is a work of passion, an outlet for creativity. Wrist Action represents the beautiful lifestyle that is performance motorcycling, and throught it, I hope to transfer to you some of my knowledge gained over 28 years of riding on road and track.
I have a military aviation and education background spanning nearly 30 years. Leveraging my technical and educational foundations, combined with 28 years of motorcycling experience, the Wrist Action mission is to inform intelligently and make you ‘ThinK FasteR‘.
Come to Wrist Action for motorcycle content related to riding skills, motorcycle setup, as well as motorcycle and riding gear reviews. You can also joing me on YouTube.
My dream is to grow Wrist Action into the premier destination for performance motorycling.
I hope you join me for the ride!